

White Buffalo

Ancestors   North Direction   Clarity

  • If White Buffalo is a power animal for you, read the "Ingredients" page about how each oil in this blend speaks the medicine of this potent being.

  • Coconut oil,* Rosehip Seed oil,* Vitamin E (non-GMO)

    Essential oils of: Patchouli,* Angelica,* Rose, Lemongrass,* Black Pepper,* Sea Buckthorn* 


    is the low, resonant hum in this blend. It connects you to the strength and solidity of White Buffalo, helping you to find your sense of foundation, ground and center. The wonderful thing about Patchouli is that it can help you to stay rooted without becoming heavy or sluggish. This oil will also connect you to your ancestors – to those who came before you and wish to speak and move through the messages of White Buffalo. When you want to drop into a ritual/ceremonial place, this is the oil to call on.

    harmonizes with the feminine aspects of White Buffalo. This is a high-vibration oil that will connect you instantly to the Grace of this creature, helping you to receive whatever messages she is here to transmit with ease. This oil balances the Patchouli in this blend, as it will connect you to the Heavens just as much as Patchouli connects you to Earth. This harmonious combination will ultimately bring you to the widest, most expansive connection possible with White Buffalo.

    for navigating complexity with grace. When you feel there is a lot of material that you are tending – physically, emotionally, mentally – this is the oil that will help you move with all of the layers from a centered, knowing place. This is so much of what White Buffalo medicine is all about: Ushering you through the many dimensions and facets of life with a sense of equilibrium and strength. 

    cuts through density and obstacle with the intent of burrowing deep, though not in a jarring way. White Buffalo can be very much the same. She is consistently insistent – staying the course with her messages and how she transmits her medicine. Lemongrass mirrors this trait in that it will ask you to lean into what needs tending, to not turn away or deny that which is wanting your attention. (Lemongrass also brings a brightness to the blend, reminding you that White Buffalo can uplift you when you experience moments of doubt.)

    Black Pepper
    brings fierce protection to the fore. Black Pepper will support you to set boundaries as needed, protect yourself from unneeded or harmful influences with certainty and no hesitation. What is wonderful about this oil is that it matches how White Buffalo can hold her ground from a solid, silent place of unwavering self-knowing. This is not about aggressive or big energy, but rather a strong, inner heat that helps you take care of yourself well.

    Sea Buckthorn

    to reduce inflammation and bring a note of softness to this blend. White Buffalo, though feminine, can be quite intense. It’s important to balance out that intensity, remember to not push yourself beyond what feels do-able. And if there is a time when you overexert and feel pushed to your max, this is the oil to call on to help you reel it back in and return to a place of calm and gentleness.

  • All BodyMantra oils are designed for daily use and ritual. Each blend is handcrafted with directed intention so that you are receiving both medicinal and energetic benefits. Consider developing your own mantra, to be spoken and felt as you apply your oil, to add to its potency. For best results, use within six months of purchase. Store in a cool, dry place.

    Apply immediately following a morning shower, or use as part of an evening ritual before bed. Multiple pumps of this oil can be used safely, as the essential oils in this formula are diluted.

    For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Keep out of contact with eyes. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or on medication. Please see our on-line product use guidelines for more details.

$ 53.00 / 1 oz